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David Yurman

Hello Bloggers,
Hope everyone is doing great, I was just dropping by to share with you some photos I took when I attended the David Yurman, event a couple of weeks ago. I might add that I didn't think I was going to make it, since my schedule didn't quite allow it, but I squeezed some time to check out some of Mr. Yurman's Fantastic New Pieces and I might add that this event was a GREAT success for Neiman Marcus!

Hope everyone has a great week. Take Care<3




Here and there and David Yurman!

Hello Ladies,
I hope everyone is doing well, I would like to apologize by disappearing but SO MANY things have taken up my time these couple of weeks, i've been bombarded with home work, exams-(mid-terms to be exact), work, and a new move!
Yes that's right another move, if you have kept up with my videos, I know I mentioned a move but this time me and my husband are getting our own little apartment:) So i'm excited about that!!!

Well I really don't want to bore anyone with all this, but what I really want to mention, and invite you guys to is this FANTASTIC EVENT taking place in the city I reside in. So if you guys are down for Designers, Jewelry, and Champagne, keep reading.

I am extremely excited because on November the 9th, 2012 in the lovely city of San Antonio. Inside Neiman Marcus of La Cantera Shopping Center there is going to be a visit from the well known Jewelry Designer David Yurman. So if any of you live near by I want to invite you to this amazing event.


Hope to see some of my followers there, if you see me don't be a stranger;)
If you lovely ladies cannot attend this event don't be blue, i'll provide you with all the details;) Hope to see you there take care and I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

Click on this link for more info. and directions.
